Welcome to the paid edition of YouTopian Journey, a Substack featured publication. Each week I will be sharing unique wisdom that can help you in the daily battles that we must all fight in the game of life. In honor of the July 4th holiday in the United States, we will be discussing why you must be capable of attaining true freedom.
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Now onto the good stuff.
“Freedom is not a reward or a decoration that you toast in champagne. On the contrary, it’s hard graft and a long-distance run, all alone, very exhausting. At the end of every freedom there is a sentence, which is why freedom is too heavy to bear.”-Albert Camus
People across the world prize freedom. They yearn for it. They cling to it. But when it comes to exercise the many rights associated with the responsibilities of freedom, many shirk into the shadows. They discard freedom as if it were an old pair of clothing. Instead, they choose to embrace the easy path.
Because responsibility is something that many people cannot bear, and the essence of true freedom is responsibility.
When things go right, we seek to champion our intelligence, vision, and execution.
We are rewarded for our genius and success across all social platforms. Our peers rush to state that they played a small but significant role.
But when things go wrong?
When we are faced with difficulties beyond our capabilities?
When everything seems to fail?
When this failure cannot be passed on to circumstances or the blame laid on others?
We are silent. We are weak. We are embarrassed and anxious. We cope with feelings that are harmful, both mentally and physically.
We parade our riches but conceal our poverties.
Hence, the burden of freedom is one that many seek to escape. The fortitude and inner strength required to safely navigate the ever-present pendulum of purpose weakens over time. Thus, many flee into the open arms of conformity and submission, where the individual gives up the greatest part of themselves in order to hide among the multitude.
This isn’t the least bit surprising. Eric Fromm warned of this danger years ago in his seminal work Escape from Freedom:
“Modern man still is anxious and tempted to surrender his freedom to dictators of all kinds, or to lose it by transforming himself into a small cog in the machine, well fed, and well clothed, yet not a free man but an automaton.”
Realize that we live in an era where freedom, especially freedom to be our own boss, is championed. As a result, so many dream of entrepreneurship. The concept of running your own company and doing things your own way. However, the multitude never realize that the associated freedom and responsibilities are more difficult than they could ever imagine.
Because true freedom means following your own path. It means listening to your worst enemy and your harshest critic, yourself.
“If you don’t want to obey others you will have to learn to obey yourself. That is not as easy as it sounds.”-Friedrich Nietzsche
True freedom means being self-motivated, self-reliant, and self-sufficient. It means laying the blame on the person you see in front of the mirror each and every day. Sure, you may find other scapegoats. You may lay blame on your family, politicians, education (or lack thereof), and even society itself. But deep down, you will know the truth. And this truth is difficult to face.
However, if you can take on this burden of freedom and responsibility, you will be able to accomplish anything that you set your mind to. This is perhaps the most difficult and the most rewarding task of one’s entire existence.
And you must do it, each and every day.
“No one is free who has not obtained the empire of himself. No man is free who cannot command himself.”-Pythagoras
Are you willing to be free?
Are you willing to go after what you want?
Are you willing to follow your own compass?
Are you willing to be the only believer in a vision that only you can see?
Are you willing to walk your own path in spite of the difficulties?
Are you willing to begin?
Because society needs the truly free individual, much like a person in the desert needs water.
Be that person. Be free.
"Freedom is measured not by what you own, and not by any visible glory that you can claim, but solely by your heeding your own will with respect to what is important to you.”-Richard Taylor
“Those who approach life like a child playing a game, moving and pushing pieces, possess the power of kings.”-Heraclitus
You must realize that if you aren’t capable of making your own moves in the game of life, you will be compelled by others to move. This may result in you arriving at a destination that is not of your choosing, checkmated into a career or a life that you never thought possible.