To avoid enemies, say nothing; to avoid critics, do nothing; to avoid haters, be nothing; but to avoid mediocrity, ignore all.

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"the cure for the pain is in the pain."

Great article Shaun!

The path towards your destiny is usually a hard one. But the price of not following it is too great.

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May 21, 2023Liked by YouTopian Journey

I'm like most. A good guy, swimming on the outside edge of humanity working to eat and to have a peaceful place to come home to each day. Money is the necessity of life and challanges me constantly. More challanging then money is the increased "tax" on my time however. This is the battlefield where I find the greatest struggle for autonomy, spontaneity, fun, laughter, and hope exists.

I don't need to join a team or rally against those who may be a part of our revolving unfair existance. I simply need to know the solution to change it and the limitiations that I and most others are forced to simply survive. Until "that" easy answer is exposed all that I see "theyoutopianjourney" to be is, just another pursuit, team, club, or organization to which we are asked to stand up for and fight...... all the while as our lives go unchanged and stressed until our final days. Sure, i'll acknowledge that my virtues and views align with the youtopianjourney but unlike a fun vacation where the journey itself is the "prize", for the solution to a better life I only seek the immediacy of the destination. I know, I know - "change takes time". I have no more that I can afford to give.

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