Your-best revenge and plan should be working on making your life as good as it can be.

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Yes but in regard to what?

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Yes it is the human journey to convert tamasic mind states to rajasic ones, and rajasic mind states to saatvic ones. One tries more and more to be predominantly in the sattva mode. Then as bhakti towards the Lord and compassion for all matures, the Guru manifests and through his teaching one understands that in one’s true nature, one is not affected by the Gunas at all. This is termed as “transcending the Gunas”. This is not an action but knowledge of one’s true nature, and abidance in it.

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Interesting point of view.

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But it is not good to have no social life. It keeps you updated and is useful if used in a precise manner. You should look for job availabilities and should start earning to support yourself and feel independent or you may look up for some courses that interest you and start doing your pg. There is always an option. Believe me its just a phase in life that you are going through and it shall pass.

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Interesting perspective

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It’s a nice idea but semantics will always get in the way. What does love actually mean? I’ve found myself in debates on Quora over soteriology and eschatology when I’ve written about love and it has become clear that the people I’m conversing with think of love as being some squishy, romantic thing which everyone does by default. I’m a former criminal prosecutor. I know that some people think that love means covering up for their abusive partner by lying in court and pretending that when they told the police exactly what injuries that abusive partner had inflicted on them they were too drunk to know what they were saying. Love for them was forgiving the person who claimed to love them so much that they were driven to violence. I know that there are people who would justify child sex abuse because it is actually an expression of “love.” From my brief and none too edifying experiences in the field of family law I know that there are people who claim to love their children but who do not hesitate to use them as pawns in a bitter battle with the person who, at one time, they would have said they loved.

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