Thank you Shaun. I agree - we only have "one" (at least in this particular go around)! I can only speak for myself, but my observations have also suggested that those in my generation can be challenged to embrace your most beautiful ideas. Having said that it's also lovely to see the next generations giving themselves permission to follow their dreams and become the "greatest version of the grandest vision you ever had about yourself" (thank you Neale Donald Walsch).

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Thank you so much for sharing and yes, I agree. There is no time to waste so we must all do our best to make it happen.

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Speaking of Grit. I recently read the book GRIT.

It really goes into why some people succeed and others fail. The gist is that successful people don't quit. They have a growth mindset and believe with enough effort they can overcome any obstacle. Excellent read if you have the time.

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Great. I have added it to my list. Thank you for sharing.

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Great thinking.

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Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.

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